Medical Malpractice in Cardiology: Risks and Cases

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Consultation in cardiology
Legally reviewed by:
Steven R. Davis and John A. Davis, Jr.
October 17, 2024

Medical malpractice in cardiology occurs when a healthcare provider fails to deliver the expected standard of care when diagnosing, treating, or managing heart-related conditions. In cardiology, where time-sensitive decisions can mean the difference between life and death, even minor errors can have catastrophic results. Misdiagnosing a heart attack, improperly managing heart failure, or performing an unnecessary procedure can all qualify as medical malpractice if these actions lead to patient harm.

Cardiology malpractice is particularly concerning because the conditions at stake often involve high-risk patients. Whether it’s an oversight in monitoring or a procedural mistake during surgery, these errors can lead to irreversible damage, permanent disability, or even death. If you or a loved one suffered as a result of these failures, our team at Davis & Davis is here to help protect your rights every step of the way.

What Are the Common Types of Cardiovascular Malpractice?

Several forms of malpractice commonly occur in the field of cardiology, often with devastating consequences for patients. Misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis is one of the most prevalent issues. For instance, a patient experiencing symptoms of a heart attack may be sent home with a misdiagnosis of indigestion, only to suffer a fatal cardiac event later. Other common types include medication errors, such as prescribing the wrong dosage of blood thinners or failing to account for dangerous drug interactions.

Surgical errors also represent a significant risk. Procedures like angioplasty, stent placement, or bypass surgery require precision; a single mistake can cause severe complications, including blood clots, infections, or even death. Postoperative care is another area where lapses can occur, as failure to monitor a patient’s recovery or neglecting follow-up visits can lead to undetected complications, causing long-term harm. 

How Do Cardiovascular Malpractice Cases Affect Patients?

The consequences of cardiovascular malpractice are often severe, impacting every aspect of a patient’s life. Physically, a misdiagnosed or improperly treated heart condition can lead to lasting damage, including chronic pain, permanent disability, or a significantly shortened lifespan. For many patients, these outcomes necessitate lifelong medical care, ongoing treatments, and repeated hospital visits, resulting in overwhelming financial strain. The ripple effects are profound: lost income, mounting medical bills, and the need for extensive rehabilitation can make it difficult for families to recover both emotionally and financially.

Patients who have experienced medical negligence often struggle with feelings of betrayal, loss of trust in healthcare providers, and anxiety about future treatments. Families may also endure considerable stress as they face the realities of caring for a disabled loved one, with all the emotional and logistical challenges that entails. In some cases, patients may even develop depression or post-traumatic stress as a result of their ordeal. 

How Are Malpractice Claims in Cardiology Proven?

Proving medical malpractice in cardiology requires a comprehensive understanding of both medical and legal principles. To establish a malpractice claim, it must be shown the healthcare provider breached the accepted standard of care and that this breach directly caused harm to the patient. In cardiology cases, this might involve demonstrating that a doctor failed to correctly diagnose a heart condition, did not order necessary tests, or performed an inappropriate or unnecessary procedure. Gathering medical records, lab results, and expert testimony is crucial in building a case that can stand up in court.

The complexity of cardiology cases means that specific knowledge is often needed to identify where negligence occurred. Expert witnesses, typically experienced cardiologists, play a key role in explaining how the standard of care was violated. Additionally, the legal team must connect this breach to the harm suffered by the patient. This process can be challenging, especially when dealing with conditions that may have multiple contributing factors. However, with thorough investigation and the right legal guidance from our team at Davis & Davis, it is possible to prove malpractice was the direct cause of a patient’s injuries.

Seek Legal Help for Cardiology Malpractice Cases at Davis & Davis

Cardiology malpractice cases are among the most complex types of medical malpractice claims, making it essential to have experienced legal representation. A knowledgeable attorney can navigate the intricacies of these cases, from understanding the medical issues involved to addressing legal challenges specific to malpractice. With the right legal guidance, patients and their families can pursue fair compensation for the harm caused by medical negligence. 

Davis & Davis has extensive experience handling cardiology-related malpractice cases, making us uniquely positioned to take on these challenges. With over 70 years of combined experience, we’ve helped numerous families in Houston and across Texas seek justice for the harm they’ve endured due to medical negligence. Our approach is thorough and client-focused, ensuring that every detail is addressed as we work toward securing the best possible outcome. If you or a loved one has suffered from cardiology malpractice, we’re here to help. Contact Davis & Davis at (888) 522-9444 or reach out through our contact form.

John A. Davis, Jr.


John A. Davis, Jr. and Steven R. Davis

October 17 2024

Steven R. Davis and John A. Davis, Jr. are experienced attorneys at Davis & Davis, a law firm that specializes in medical malpractice cases in Texas. With a deep commitment to justice that guides their ethical approach, Davis and Davis have dedicated their careers to helping victims of medical negligence. They and their team continue to advocate for clients, despite the challenges posed by Texas's cap on recoverable damages in malpractice lawsuits. Davis & Davis pride themselves on their extensive experience in the field and their readiness to meet clients across the United States.

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