Nobody ever wants to reach a point where they need to leave their loved one in the care of a nursing home, though this does happen to a good percentage of Americans at one point or another. Unfortunately, nursing homes are notorious for providing substandard care to our nation’s most needy individuals. One of the most common types of injuries in nursing homes is those sustained following falls. If your loved one recently sustained a severe injury after a nursing home fall, please read on, then contact an experienced Houston, Texas hospital and nursing home falls lawyer today.
Do I qualify for compensation after a fall in a Texas nursing home?
The first thing you should understand is that not every slip or trip and fall case automatically qualifies an individual or their family to receive financial compensation. However, if you can prove that your loved one was hurt because he or she did not receive adequate care in the nursing home, you may have a valid claim. Some common examples of conditions and actions that may lead to nursing home falls include:
- Inattentive staff
- Understaffing
- Lack of handrails or railings
- Dim lighting
- Allowing patients to wander or “elope”
- Allowing patients to participate in activities that they are not physically capable of safely doing
- Errors with their medication, leading to drowsiness
- Spilled liquids left uncleared away
What can I do if my loved one was hurt in a nursing home fall?
If your loved one was harmed as a result of a fall they sustained in a nursing home, you should do what you can to document the incident or the conditions that allowed the fall to occur and, from there, notify nursing home management and retain the services of a seasoned medical malpractice lawyer who can help you fight for the compensation you deserve.
Contact Our Team Today
If you or a loved one suffered from medical malpractice, contact the law firm of Davis & Davis today for a free consultation.