Houston, Texas C-Section Complications Lawyer

Free Consultation713-781-5200

Giving birth is an exciting and sometimes scary process. When you have chosen a doctor or medical facility you trust, the only thing you can do is put your faith in their professionally-trained hands. Unfortunately, a startling number of mothers and their children are injured during the birthing process, especially those involving cesarean births, more commonly known as C-sections. Complications that can arise due to C-sections include failing to perform C-sections in a timely way or failing to execute the process correctly. 

If you believe you or your baby suffered injuries as a result of a medical professional’s negligence concerning a C-section, it is important to partner with a Houston, Texas C-section complications lawyer who will hold that medical professional accountable for the injury and their failure to follow proper care standards. Contact Davis & Davis today to learn more about how we assist clients and their children who’ve been harmed because of C-section complications.

How Hiring a C-Section Complications Lawyer Can Help 

A C-section complication can permanently impact the child and mother. Unfortunately, errors during C-sections are more common than you may think. If you are a victim of a C-section complication caused by a doctor’s negligence, you can turn to a compassionate and experienced Harris County, Texas medical malpractice lawyer from our firm. While you and your newborn child focus on rest and recovery, we will immediately get to work on the following: 

  • Building your case: In order to establish your birth injuries are a direct result of your doctor’s reckless actions, our team will begin to collect and assess relevant evidence. Using the collected evidence, we will demonstrate that your doctor’s negligence was a direct breach of care and resulted in the subsequent injury of you and your child. 
  • Filing your medical malpractice claim: Medical malpractice claims in Texas have a two-year statute of limitations, meaning you have two years from the date of injury to file a proper claim. Your C-section complications attorney will ensure everything is filed properly and on time. 
  • Fighting for a high settlement: Medical malpractice can take a large toll on the victims, emotionally and financially. Lost wages due to missed work, present and future medical bills, and endured pain and suffering should be accounted for in your settlement. We will fight for all economic and non-economic damages to get you the compensation you deserve. 

If you have any questions or concerns about a C-section that was performed on you or a family member, please get in touch. We are prepared to assist you through each phase of the claims process ahead.

Common Types of C-Section Complications

Depending on the mother, the stage of the birthing process, and the type of C-section complication, the sustained injury may vary in severity. We are prepared to reach out to our network of obstetricians and other medical professionals to fully understand issues that may have contributed to an injury, including:

  • Failure to perform a necessary C-section
  • Failure to perform a necessary C-section on time
  • Unnecessary C-sections
  • Mistakes made during a C-section that led to serious injury or death
  • Other mistakes in the delivery room
  • Injured organs (bladder, ureter, bowel, blood vessels)

It is important to realize that failure to monitor fetal condition during labor or failure to perform an emergency C-section can be seriously injurious to both the mother and child. Possible side effects of C-section complications for the newborn child can include a permanent disability like cerebral palsy or Erb’s palsy, a brain injury due to lack of oxygen, and even broken bones or internal bleeding. 

For the mother or birthing parent, you run the risk of blood clots, surgical-site infections, endometriosis, and postpartum hemorrhage. Some C-section-related injuries can take weeks or even months to present themselves, so the second you have suspicions about a complication, you should see a medical professional immediately. This not only allows you to decrease the risk of a more serious injury, but is a good way to document your sustained injuries. 

Contact Our Dedicated C-Section Complication Attorneys Today

Mothers and their children deserve a legal team in their corner who truly cares. At Davis & Davis, we are compassionate, knowledgeable, and dedicated to helping our clients through each phase of the medical malpractice claims process. We have a deep understanding of the inherent sensitivity surrounding birthing injury cases and possess the gravitas and resources to help you obtain the financial compensation and justice you deserve to move forward

To schedule a free case evaluation today and speak to a real C-section complications attorney, please call our office at (888) 522-9444 or fill out our contact form. We are prepared to fight to protect your right to sufficient healthcare and services. Davis & Davis also proudly accepts referrals from Texas C-section complications attorneys and law firms nationwide.