Even though many medical facilities take anesthesia for granted, no one should ever treat it lightly. According to an anesthesia study, between 1999 and 2006, more than 2,200 anesthesia-related deaths occurred in medical facilities in the United States. If you suspect a Texas medical facility made an error with you or your loved one’s anesthesia, please read on, then contact an experienced Houston, Texas anesthesia error lawyer today.
Do you qualify for compensation after an anesthesia error in Texas?
To qualify for compensation after an anesthesia error, you will need to prove that you or your loved one were owed a duty of care by the anesthesiologist in question, and that the individual breached that duty of care by acting in a way that an otherwise reasonable and competent medical professional would not have acted. You will then have to prove that you or your loved one incurred damages as a result of the careless act.
Anesthesia errors can come in many forms, but some of the most common that we see include failing to properly monitor patients after administering anesthesia, administering too much or not enough anesthesia, and intubation injuries.
What are the effects of anesthesia errors?
Anesthesia errors can lead to a wide range of devastating even fatal impacts. Unfortunately, there are times when an improper dose of anesthesia can sedate a patient to the extent that they actually stop breathing. When this happens, they can either suffocate and die, or, if they receive oxygen too late, it can lead to permanent brain damage. This is unacceptable. Whether you or a loved one was harmed by a careless anesthesiologist or you tragically lost a loved one due to a critical mistake during surgery, Davis & Davis is here to help.
Contact Our Team Today
If you or a loved one suffered from medical malpractice, contact the law firm of Davis & Davis today for a free consultation.